Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Great Ocean Walk Day 2

Day 2 Elliott Ridge to Blanket Bay 11.6
We had braced ourselves for day 2, as it was to be our longest day, 15ks according to our fearless leader, although the website seems to think it’s 11.6. I guess we’ll never know. We creaked our way off our self-inflating mattresses (those who had brought them – alpha male thought he didn’t need one), and found all our sore bits from the day before. Three hours later we were ready to go.
Day two was so much easier than anticipated. No soul-destroying hills were to be had, and we praised ourselves on our excellent time, regularly stopping for photo ops and scroggin (trail mix for Victorians) breaks. Lots of sandy paths and mosquito’s, and imagine our surprise when we landed at Blanket bay around midday.
By far my favourite campsite, the walk in site was right on the beach and not nearly as damp or surrounded by trees. We collapsed in our own way – boys sorting out their stomaches and girls sorting out their feet (mostly into thongs). After some tent pitching, toilet discovering, Yoga and swimming (for some) we wandered around the bay and discovered more rock platforms and Koalas.
Some night cold tablets, sleep deprivation and freeze dried apple pie helped me to have the best sleep of the trip and we all slept in late (to 7) before hobbling out to see if the seals had made a pilgrimage to our beach (they hadn’t).


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