Thursday, March 13, 2008


I had quite an adventurous day today in Maningrida. I not only learnt to drive a manual around town (best place to do it with no cars), although it does still seem like a lot of unnecessary work. I also spent some quality time and money in the arts centre.

In the afternoon we got invited to go to an outstation with one of the local guys. The road was dirt and sand in some places and was pretty waterlogged, there were also a couple of river crossings - loads of fun...but I wasn't driving. Most of the people from the outstation live in the town in the wet.

The local guy pointed out all the different areas, like cemetaries and the old market garden which they are keen to get running again. He also mentioned that some salt water crocs had been washed up this wet season.

It reminded me of a guy at yellow water who said the women in his family had a ceremony they used when they went into water with crocs involving singing and slapping the water. I kind wished I knew it when two of our party headed out into a river crossing to see how deep it was.

Monday, March 10, 2008

The Pencil of Death

Yes, the pencil of death. So nicknamed by the pilot. If you have had the opportunity to ride in the pencil of death you will certainly know what I'm talking about. For the uninitiated they are these tiny planes that all 165cm of me had to bend double to get into, 2 seats on either side of an aisle. There was no air con until about 20mins into the ride so it was a cramped, hot, stinky, hard to breathe in ride....and some people do it every week. I'm hoping I get the other plane on my way back out in 9 days.

I'm in Maningrida for 10 days to see what they want me to do for a crust....and yes, I can feel my accent broadening and slang becoming prevalent. Its quite shocking to be out here, the department of housing has a lot to answer for. There are some dog issues too which make walking around impossible. The work is heartbreaking and heartwarming - and I'm sure it'll be more so when I have a community to call my own. I've had a few moments where I seriously thought I can't do this (and they're certainly not paying me enough money to do it).

Saturday, March 08, 2008


Dispite my previous post, I did get the chance last weekend to check out Kakadu in the wet. Stunning. Nuff said.

The Territoy - the beginning

I've had 2 weeks in Darwin now, and I can honestly say that I've seen none of it that doesn't lie within 3 blocks of my hotel. Other than work, work and a bit more work there has not been much happening. I'm thinking $50 a day does not cover the 24/7 work!

The first week was all training indoors and working out how much paperwork we were going to have to do with little to no connectivity and a toughbook (aka slowbook).

This week has been all about First Aid and learning about the plethora of creepy crawlies that will get you up here (note to self: do no go outdoors). Everyone seemed to have a story about a snake attacking a car, a eagle smashing through a windscreen, a 13 year old girl getting bitten by a spider. Have I mentioned how thrilled I am to be going outback.

The last 3 days have been 4WD training, my personal weakness I knew this would be a challenge. The first day was theory and car maintenance (and yes I changed a f-ing heavy tyre), 2nd day was serious 4WD on hills and muddy stuff and the 3rd day on a WWII airstrip doing braking and skidding (loads of fun). I have to say I had a bit of a moment on the hills where I thought I was going to burst into tears and run out of the car home - but the fact that I couldn't walk down the hill (so I still don't know how the car got down) made me stay. I don't think I'll ever be 4WD for fun.

One exciting (or life reducing) part of the week was when we were pulling a 2 tonne truck out of a bog, the snatch strap was attached and as one of the guys pulled off (with his foot to the floor) the part of the car in the mud that the strap was attached to broke. There was a massive bang as the strap flung back towards the towing car. When we walked over to the car we realised what had happened, the brace on the car, the bolt and part of the strap were imbedded in the spare tyre on the back of the car.